Over the last 60 years, the GASC has become a staple not only in the community, but throughout Florida and beyond. We have a network of groups, organizations, local businesses that we work with on a regular basis and which enrich our club’s and its members’ lives and support our objective of celebrating German-American social life and culture. We encourage like-minded groups, businesses and individuals to link to our website as we link to yours to underline our common goals and to mutually strengthen our presence in the community and throughout SW Florida.
Our Sponsors
Big Band Deluxe, Bad Bergzabern, Germany
Blaskapelle Peng
Eddie Korosa, Jr. and his Boys from Illinois
Europa Band, Orlando, Florida
Hafenkapelle Fest Band sponsored by GASC
Hergolshäuser Musikanten
Kawogl from Bubenreuth
Little German Band and Dancers, Raleigh, NC
Maselheimer Musikanten
Oberallgäu Musikanten
Sauerkraut Band, Blacksburg, Virginia
Zimmerer Kapelle Biberach
Clothing, Gifts and Travel
Ernst Licht Imports, Oley, Pennsylvania
Alpen Wahnsinn
Bavarian Superstore
Dirndl.com Trachten Outlet
German Corner Store
German Importhaus
German Spots (Travel Information)
Germany Health Insurance Information
Kerstins Landhausmode
USA Dirndl
Viatorius Tours Germany
Vibrer Versand
Wiesn, Tracht & mehr
GASC members in Local Businesses
Spot-On Power Washing Solutions
Cape Coral Pet Crematory
Flags By Sunbuca
Susan Zimmer, German Translation Services
Tri-County Blue Print and Supply Co
Clubs and Organizations
American German Club of the Palm Beaches, Florida
Association of German-American Societies of Greater Washington, D.C.
Boylston Schul-Verein, Boston, MA
Deutcher Club of Clark, NJ
Deutsche in den USA
Fort Myers and Naples German Language Meetup Group, Florida
German Americal Society of Greater Hollywood, Florida
German American Club of Greater Miami, Florida
German American Club of Marion County, Florida
German American Club of Tucson, Arizona
German American Hall of Fame
German American Hundesport
German American Singing Society, Louisville, Kentucky
German American Social Club of Jacksonville, Florida
German American Social Club of Sarasota, Florida
German American Social Club of West Central Florida
German American Society of Central Florida
German American Society, Trenton, New Jersey
German Missions in the United States
German Sheperd Breeders of Southwest Florida
German-American Club Gesangverein of Louisville
Gulf Coast Schutzhund Club of Fort Myers, Florida
Haven on Earth Animal League, Inc
Tidewater German-American Society, Virginia
United German American Society of Florida
United States Germanic Music Association
Local Restaurants and Bakeries