German-American Social Club

of Cape Coral, Florida

Press Release – Miss Oktoberfest 2024

Congratulations to
Alexandra Reifschneider
Ms. Oktoberfest 2024

Marking the 39th Annual Oktoberfest, the Ms. Oktoberfest Pageant, held on Saturday, July 13th, kicked off this year’s Oktoberfest Season in Cape Coral. Alexandra Reifschneider was chosen from among five contestants to reign as Ms. Oktoberfest in 2024 at the German American Social Club of Cape Coral. Jasmin Pearson is the first runner-up, followed by Sara Skorak as the second runner-up.

Alexandra was born in New Jersey to a German mother and an American father, cultivating a deep appreciation for both cultures from an early age. Her journey with German heritage began in high school, where she was an active member of the German Folk Club, teaching traditional dances and sharing cultural knowledge with her peers. Alexandra’s commitment to service led her to join the US Army as a military police officer while pursuing her bachelor’s degree in psychology and military science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. During her six-year military career, she demonstrated leadership as a Squad fire team leader and was awarded the Army Achievement Medal for outstanding performance. After claiming her German citizenship, Alexandra moved to Florida where she discovered the German American Social Club and met her husband Florian. Currently, Alexandra works as a digital designer for a German company. She visits Germany multiple times a year, strengthening her connection to the culture while spending time with her German family.

This year, the German American Social Club is proud to host the 39th Annual Oktoberfest on Pine Island Road. The pageant kicks off the season at which VIPs, several former Ms. Oktoberfest, sponsors, members, and the public all come together to take part in a semi-formal affair, wearing evening dress and enjoying a good German meal, accompanied by German dance music performed by the Manni Daum Trio.

This year marks the eighteenth year that Ms. Teresa Kohl has lovingly arranged and organized the festive pageant event.

A panel of independent judges from the community, including, Erich Feichthaler, former Mayor of Cape Coral, Tom Hayden, Cape Coral Council Member, Brian Solis, representing Southwest Florida Airport, Simone Behr, Lee County Convention Bureau, and Elisabeth Lahner of Geraci Travel convened after an introduction of the five candidates to decide on who this year’s princess would be, underlining the community aspect of the event.

Each contestant was introduced by Steve Eichner, a long-time member of GASC, who has been the pageant’s master of ceremonies for over a decade, asking each of them a single question pulled out of a box. The questions varied, from how the contestant would promote Oktoberfest to what she loves best about Southwest Florida, her favorite childhood memory, or what she would do if she were to win the lottery! In the next round, all contestants were asked why they wanted to be Ms. Oktoberfest 2022. The finalist responded that she was looking forward to an event that would allow her to play an active part in the community she loves and inspire the Southwest Florida community’s youth to embrace the Club’s rich traditions.

The German American Social Club of Cape Coral is proud to be celebrating its 60th anniversary this year, and Alexandra wants to use her skills to help the club grow stronger.

In the end, the decision was very close, as the judges chose the 5′ 10” Alexandra Marie Reifschneider as this year’s pageant queen. As Ms. Oktoberfest 2024, her role is to be a delegate for the German American Social Club of Cape Coral, conveying German Heritage and communicating the German traditions, especially as they pertain to the Oktoberfest tradition, to Southwest Florida.

Alexandra was crowned by the outgoing Ms. Oktoberfest 2022/2023 Lisette Ortiz-Telewick., who proudly gave her final speech as the Oktoberfest queen to the Club’s members, thanking them for the opportunity and underscoring how much of an honor it was for her.

This year, the event was once again sponsored by ZAK’s Jewelry and by RSW Airport. Ms. Oktoberfest 2024 received a $750 gift certificate from ZAK’s Jewelry. Each of the runners-up also received a gift certificate from ZAK’s.

Ernst Licht of Pennsylvania, as in previous years, will provide Ms. Oktoberfest with a high-quality Dirndl, the traditional dress worn in Southern Germany and Austria at special festivals and events, particularly at the original Oktoberfest in Munich. Each of the five contestants received gifts as thanks for their participation.

In its 60th year, the German American Social Club of Cape Coral is looking forward to another well-attended 39th Oktoberfest, which will be held the last two weekends of October, on the 18th, 19th, and 20th, and the 25th, 26th, and 27th of the month, on the grounds of the GASC property.

For questions, please contact:

Susie Zimmer
German American Social Club of Cape Coral
PR & Advertising Chair
Tel.: 239-214-8201
Cell: 864-764-0685
GASC office: 239-283-1400

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