German-American Social Club

of Cape Coral, Florida

Where German and American Culture Meets

The German-American Social Club of Cape Coral was founded as a non-political organization in July 1964 with a charter membership of 34. The purpose of the Club, then and now, is to promote good fellowship with a variety of social activities, to perpetuate traditional German festivals such as Oktoberfest, Karneval, Costume Balls, Folk Dances, etc., and to stimulate interest in the German language and customs.

Every year in October, the club organizes Munich in Cape Coral. The Cape Coral Oktoberfest is the largest party of the year in the community! It is THE event for fun, good food, freshly poured domestic and German beer, live music on several stages, laughter, dancing – with or without the chicken hat -simply put – it’s that famous German Gemütlichkeit.

Check out our webpage to see our upcoming events.  We have everything from Gartenfests outside, to formal and masquerade balls inside.  There is always something happening at the GASC!  Non-members are also encouraged to join us for dinner and dancing every Friday night.  You might even considering joining us as a new member!


Greetings From The President

Welcome to the German-American Social Club of Cape Coral! On the website you can find information about the club and its activities. We would like to welcome you in person so you can see why our community has voted us Best Social Club six years in a row. We offer authentic German and American food and drinks, dancing, and live music every Friday night for a small entrance fee, and in addition to that, outside festivals in our Bavarian Garden and our well-known Octoberfest. You don’t have to be German to be a member of our Club; just be interested in our culture and socialize with our members! Join us and see what Gemütlichkeit is all about!
Herzliche Willkommensgrüße!
Willkommen im Deutsch-Amerikanischen Club von Cape Coral. Auf dieser Webseite finden Sie Informationen über den Club und seine Aktivitäten. Wir möchten Sie gern persönlich begrüßen damit Sie Gelegenheit haben zu sehen, warum die Bevölkerung von Cape Coral uns zum 6. Mal in Reihe zum besten Club gewählt hat. Wir bieten Ihnen original deutsche und amerikanische Küche und Getränke sowie jeden Freitag Tanzveranstaltungen und dies zu einem geringen Eintrittspreis. Zusätzlich finden Veranstaltungen in unserem Bayrischen Garten und unser jährliches sehr bekanntes Oktoberfest statt. Sie müssen kein Deutscher sein um Mitglied zu werden, sondern lediglich an Deutscher Kultur interessiert sein und Kontakt mit unseren Mitgliedern zu suchen. Kommen Sie, um zu sehen, was Gemütlichkeit bedeutet.
— Wolf R. Pech,

How to Find Us